Atticus wins the 2024 Chiswick House Dog Show - Chiswick Calendar News (2025)

Image: Best in Show winner Atticus, with owner Marcus; Photograph John Fegan

Sunshine after the rain for the the 20th anniversary Chiswick House Dog Show

When I woke up to the sound of heavy rain on Sunday morning, I did wonder whether some of the entrants and stallholders at the Chiswick House DogShow might think better of it and turn over and go back to sleep, but the dog owning community is made of sterner stuff.

They have to go out every day in all weathers anyway, and as it turned out, after an initial soaking (it’s always before you’ve got the gazebo up, when you are battling with the retractable display stand that it pours) the rain held off for the rest of the day and the sun shone on the thousands of people who went to the 20th anniversary show.

The numerous dogs wearing frilly skirts for the Strictly Come Dancing fancy dress theme were not nearly as bedraggled as they might have been, and the serious contenders for prizes (Waggiest tail, Prettiest Bitch, Handsomest Dog, Naughtiest Dog, My Dog’s Got Talent) looked very sleek and groomed. Superbly well organised by Jan Preece and her team of volunteers, the classes ran on time and the celebrity judges behaved almost as well as the dogs.

Harry Judd, drummer with McFly and resident of Chiswick, was one of the team of judges with some very difficult decisions to make, along with Chiswick House Dog Show veteran Mel Giedroyc and actors Harriet Thorpe (Eastenders) and Richard Lintern (Silent Witness), who also lives locally.

Image: Best in Show winner Atticus with owner Marcus, and Runner Up Bella with owner Hannah; Photograph John Fegan

Biggest dog show in London

Now the biggest dog show in London, organised by volunteers, with free entry for visitors, the monies raised from registration go towards dog-related matters, including the upkeep and maintenance of the many trees in the grounds so that people can walk their dogs safely in the grounds of Chiswick House.

Images: Photographs Julie Ritson

Harry Judd, who judged the ‘Handsomest Dog 5-8 yrs’ with singer-songwriter D’Artagnan and Hayley Norris from Hilary’s Hounds, said he had been coming to the dog show for about five years, but this was the first year he had come as a dog owner.

“It’s my first year judging. It’s been a lot of fun, lots of very beautiful dogs, so thanks for having me, and I hope everyone has had a great day.”

They chose Pierre, owned by Trisha, as their winner.

Image: D’Artagnan and Harry Judd with Pierre and Trisha; grab from video by Julie Ritson

Eastenders actor Harriet Thorpe and Silent Witness actor Richard Lintern were among the judges of the ‘My Dog’s Got Talent’ category, which went to Audrey, owned by Sarah, who won for her singing talent.

“She sings all the time, to the radio, the television, you can’t shut her up,” said Sarah.

Image: Audrey with Sarah; grab from video by Julie Ritson

Rory Cellan-Jones, the BBC broadcaster who has become almost as famous on Twitter for his rescue dog Sophie from Romania as he is for his career as the BBC’s former technology correspondent, was one of the judges for the ‘Best Rescue’ category, along with Adam Clowes, Operations Director of the Dogs Trust.

As you would expect, they took their job very seriously, choosing Hannah Smith’s dog Bella as the winner.

Image: Rory Cellan-Jones with the judge from the Dog’s Trust comparing notes on the ‘Best Rescue’; grab from video by Julie Ritson

Image: Fancy dress adult winner Toto, owned by Fifi, and child winner Cosmo, owned by Lily, with judge Mel Giedroyc; Photograph Julie Ritson

Image: My Dog’s Got Talent runner up Bernie, owned by Charlotte, with judges Harriet Thorpe and Richard Lintern; Photograph Julie Ritson

Images: Julie Ritson

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Atticus wins the 2024 Chiswick House Dog Show - Chiswick Calendar News (2025)


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