The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1983 SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA PAGE THREE around- the world from The Associated Heat may cut corn crop 25 percent Today HEATHCUFF is i 'TV i- CHICAGO (AP) -r A U.S. Agriculture official Bays the na M' tion's corn harvest may have been so reduced by July's dry beat wave a 1984 government program to reduce planting may not be needed. JamesJohnson.aU.S.depurysecretaryofa*griculture.said the scorching weather nay have slashed the crop 25 percent 'His prediction was the first indication of how, federal crop experts view the effects of hot, dry weather. The first official U.S. Department of Agriculture estimate of corn and soybean production will be issued Aug.

11. Jet with 243 skids off runway KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) A New York-bound Pan Am jetliner carrying 243 people skidded off the runway and into a muddy field while landing in rain at Karachi International Airport today, airport and airline officials said. No one was injured, airport officials said. The 227 passed-gers and 16 crew members were quickly evacuated down emergency glides, said a Pan American Airways spokesman New York. GM's X-cars face new recall DETROIT (AP) Sales of General Motors X-cars, the front-wheel-drive compacts that won instant popularity when introduced four years ago, have dropped and could suffer further because of a federal effort to force recall of 1.1 million vehicles.

Tribune photo by Willem Scheltema for the kids Dr. Aaron Ison announces the relocation of his denial practice, to the Brownstown Professional Building 405 N. Main Brownstown, beginning August 1st. Office hours will remain the same by appointment 358-2037 A special package price let children ride the Paratrooper, the double ferris wheel and the swing and other rides Wednesday afternoon at the Jackson County Fair as much as was wanted for a fixed price. Plague cases worry New Mexico visitors The U.S.

Justice Department asked a federal court in Washington on Wednesday to order a recall of all of the X-cars made by GM in the 1980 model year, because of a brake problem. Shultz doubts Castro's sincerity WASHINGTON AP) Secretary of State George P. Shultz is telling congressional leaders he intends to probe the sincerity of Cuban President Fidel Castro's expressed willingness to help defuse Central America's escalating tensions. Castro told U.S. television interviewers last week he can go along with any regional agreement which bars arms shipments to Central American nations and requires the withdrawal of foreign military advisers such nations as Nicaragua and El Salvador.

wsbos (am ai? FFmmikm Jennifer-Farrbwir aori. iQiy)rKrii (cjsiiriikiiyirr fii Something a quarter of Europe's population in the Middle Ages has been contracted by at least 18 people in New Mexico since January, and one has died. 1 In addition, the 13-year-old daughter of a college president died Tuesday of plague in South Carolina, and officials, believe she contracted the disease In New Mexico Many people considering visiting New Mexico or worried about the disease once known as the "Black Death" have been calling or writing state officials. "We don't keep a record of the calls, but it's fair to say we're getting more than we've ever gotten," said Dr. Jonathan Mann, an epidemiologist with the state Health and Environment Department.

"They're all very basically the same question," he Said, "a' variant of 'Is it safe to come to New and 'Is the plague a big New Mexico's roadside welcome centers are getting the same questions. A visitor from France told a welcome center employee his friends had warned him maijf ne caugnt ine piague he couldn't return to his homeland. But Mann said the answer to all the questions is still the same: "Yes, it's safe and the risk is inriwiihlv small Ever since the first case of human plague in the state was reported in 1949; New Mexico has led the nation in the number of cases. Officials speculate that the state's climate is good for fleas, which can act as carriers. Mann said instances of people getting plague have been reported only in Western states.

Other states with cases this year are Arizona with eight and Utah and Oregon with one each, according to the national Center's for Disease Control. Three, of the Arizona cases and the Oregon case resulted in death. A spokesman for Greenville Hospital System in Greenville, S.C., said bubonic plague, the most common form of the disease, had caused the death of Donna Delattre. Miss Delattre, the daughter of Edwin Delattre, president ef St. John's College in Annapolis, and Santa Fe, might have contracted the near her former home In New Mexico, officials said.

1 She was moving with her v. a It rm9 -'i i yp- i-'A ft at Steals GtliclQiir family from Santa Fe to Annapolis and became ill last Friday in South Carolina. The number of New Mexico cases reported this year is the highest in one state in single year since California had 38 cases reported in 1925, officials said. woman who caught bubonic plague in 1980 said she didn't "feel that bad" when she was sick and didn't doubt she would survive. But "my family was pretty upset, and friends, especially back East, they were really shook up," said the woman, who asked to remain anonymous.

1 "They have a misconcep-tion of what New Mexico is she said. "Half those people don't think we're part of the United States. So when they heard I had the plague, well, you can imagine what they thought." A prolonged winter has been blamed for some of the cases this year. Most people who come down with human plague get it from the bites of fleas that have bitten plague-infected animals, such as rats, offi- cjabsay "Thefi The first half of the year, yes, we think the wet weather helped," Mann said. "But we're not sure how to explain the rest of the year.

We don't know enough about the dis- ease to explain why there have been so many cases." Mann and tourist officials have predicted that tourism probably won't suffer. "We let (tourists) know what to do and what to avoid and then they're usually OK," Mann said. Plague is only contagious if the bacteria that cause the disease go into the lungs. Then "if someone has it, you can get it if they cough on you," he said. ''When it's spread from person to person, that's a public emergency." About 25 percent of plague cases develop into the pneumonic form, but the last time the disease was known to have spread from one human to another was in 1924 in Los Angeles, Mann said.

Most deaths from plague are caused by the pneumonic form. Bubonic plague, which includes all the cases in New Mexico this year, has symptoms that include high fever and a painful lump or swell- ing under the skin in the groin, underarm or neck. Births The Rev. and Mrs. Walter E.

Manley formerly of parents of a have another son. Thomas. The Rev. Mr. Manley is pastor of Liberty Hall Full Gospel Church, Gadsden, Tenn.

Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Manley Sr. and mater- hi SJLK HUUUlUlliri II IWIMI'V Jane Carpenter, all of SANTA FE, N.M.

(AP) With more cases of human plague reported here this year than in any state since 1925, would-be visitors are wondering: Is it safe to visit New Mexico? The disease that wiped out champion Julie Schroer, Lana Schumpe, Julie Spurgeon, Michelle Thompson. Div. II Donnett Neider-baumer. Red ribbons: Div. I Kim Benter, Shan-.

non Marsh, Jennifer Peters, Dawn Rorig. Div. II Roni Jo Wis-chmeier. Div. XI Julie Shoemaker.

White ribbons: Div. I Jennifer Hartsell, Catherine Hawkins, Patricia Kinerson. Professor -arrested on charges -BLOOMINGTON, Ind. AP) John R. Krueger, 56, an Indiana University professor for 22 years, was released on $5,000 bond after his arrest on two counts of promoting prostitution and one count of soliciting a prostitute, authorities say.

Bloomington police alleged that Krueger had been arranging meetings between prostitutes and customers for six years. Police say the professor of Uralfc and Altaic studies In IU's School of Arts and Sciences was arrested after discussions with an informant carrying a concealed microphone and radio Krueger was released on bond shortly after being taken to the Monroe County Jail, police said. Authorities who raided Krueger's apartment reported finding records containing the names of prostitutes and customers. Setting it straight Cheryl A. Graham, 619 W.

Second is not the Cheryl A. Graham who was cited for an inadequate muffler in Wednesday's Poiip Tn person who was cited' lives On Seymour R7 MISSED BY TRIBUNE CARRIER? (Seymour City Only) CALL S22 Mil Between 6:30 It 7:30 p.m. weekdays. Betyeen 34 p.m. Satur- days.

If you have any questiona-caU the of flee at 522-4871, 8 to i weekdays, to 12 Saturdays. Strawberries winners named Winners of the 4-H Strawberries at the Jackson County Fair, have been announced. Champion Peggy Starr, Div. Kim Benter, Div. II; Beth Benter, Div.

VI Tereas Benter, Div. VIII. Reserve champion Jill Barnett, Div. I. Blue ribbons: Div.

I Carol Bryant, Kenneth Hackman, Richard D. Hackman, Kara Kam-perschroer, Deric Loudin, Julie Spurgeon, Tammie Roberts. Div. II Tammie Peters, Tony Peters, Karen Robbins. Div.

Susan Barnett. INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK "INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Hogs 900. Barrows and gilts moderately active, unevenly steady to .25 US 1-2 230-250 lbs. 48.50-49.25, about 30 head early 49.50, 210-230 lbs. 47.50-48.50.

Sows: Moderately active, under 500 lbs. unevenly steady to .50 lower, over 500 lbs. firm to .50 higher, instances 1.50 up; US 1-3 350-500 lbs. 35.00-36.50, 550450 lbs. 37.00-39.00.

Cattle: 700. Firm undertone noted slaughter steers and heifers. Cows mostly 1.00 lower. Few bulls steady to weak. Slaughter steers: Choice mostly 3 900-1150 lbs.

58.75-59.75; few mixed good and choice 2-3 925-1100 lbs. 58.50-58.75; good 2-3 725-925 54.75-56.25; Holsteins: Package good 2-3 1100 lbs. 45.75. Slaughter heifers: Package choice 3-4 1125 lbs. 55.50; few mixed good and choice 2-3 850-900 lbs.

53.00-56.75. Slaughter cows: Utility and commercial 2-4 37.00-42.00, few high dressing 42.50-43.50; cutter 1-2 34.50-38.50. Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1-2 1050-2300 lbs. 47.75-52.00: Sheep: SO. Held for auction.

Indiana' U.S. teiftors The Hon. Richard G. Lugar United States Senator 1113 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC.

20510 The Hon. Dan Quayle United States Senator 254 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Ninth District's U.S. representative The Hon.

Lee H. Hamilton United States Representative 1 2187Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 "The Place for Ribs" CHILDREN 6 YEARS and UNDER Lthild Lare Jennifer Farrow in Divison II received the 4-H Child Care grand champion ribbon at the Jackson County Fair. Jeni Jaynes was named the reserve grand champion.

Other winners are: Champion Missy Sher-rill, Div. Luise Disque, Div. III. Reserve champion Elisabeth Schumpe, Div. Melissa Wayman, Div.

II; Kristi Stuckwisch, Div. Ill; Beth UbbyStahl, Div. V. Blue ribbons: Div. I Rachel Bevers, Angela Bonebright, Christy.

Collette, Lisa Otte, Tonya Peters, Christy Rodenberger, Scott to visit Washington Jess Scott, 318 Kessler is among 27 Hoosier 4-H youths who will attend a citizenship short course program in Washington, D.C., beginning Saturday and ending Aug. 13. The Citizenship-Washington Focus program is an opportunity for young people to learn more about their national, heritage and the U.S. system of government. The agenda includes field trips to various historical and cultural sites, tours of many federal agencies, a day on Capitol Hill, a visit to the White House, Smithsonian Institution and Mt.

Vernon. Also the group will visit congressmen from their districts, participate in seminars and learn new skills. The group leaves Indianapolis by bus Saturday evening and stops at Gettysburg on Sunday morning, arriving at the 4-H Center in Chevy Chase early Sunday afternoon. SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE USPS W1-M0 Published daily nccf Sunday and holiday at 1111 Eaat Tipton Stoat, Seymour, IN 4774. Seamd-daia pottage paM at Seymour, IN 47174.

L. Thurmaa Publisher Stewart Hedger Managing Editor George N. Mala Advertising Dir. Joseph A. Joray Circulation Dir.

Gill Righthouee Production Mgr. postmasters Sand addr Change to The Seymour Daily Trt-. buMjM). Box 447, Seymour, IN 47J74. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single a Each Carrier.

.11.14 week Motor 41. week Mall subscription available only where carrier service Is not available, Year aitka. Smtaa 47.94 K.M-13.W BOO S7.M WOO 17.00 10.4 10.41 County, State Out of state mbs i WHEN 1 Eat .3 FREE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT KIWI Barbeque Chicken Sandwich THRU FRIDAY ANY SANDWICH, ALL-YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR, SOFT DRINK AND ROLL CAN DINE FOR 4 oz. Fillet of Cod Salad Bar and Hard Rolls, Choice of Potatoes, Baked Beans or Com-on-the-Cob 2 Contpiste Dissars for One Pnce! $299 CAN DINE FOR Barbeque Rib I Chicken Combo. Salad Bar and Hard Rolls, Choice of Potatoes, Baked Beans or Ij Complete Dinners for One Price! 523-8320 $099 $(o)49 -sj $799 CAN DINE FOR Half Order Pressure-Fried Chicken, Salad Bar and Hard Rolls.

Choice of Potatoes, Baked Beans or Com-on-the-Cob. 2 Complete Binnen for One Price! SPECIAL Shopping Center on born Wednesday. tf3weighlng 8 Ibs.t 10 oz. The V'O--baby has been named Michael Lee. The Manleys SERVED 4 P.M.


The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.