Franklin Repository (Daily) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

to in buy he the is bills that to bad native in is authorized vetoed of Republican 1892. all filled to by the to and than his on ever of It future army of he a in his the the course, the attend land. the he 7 doing He is his all profited the upon to has upon the his six had in it This their to been to greater so heart of ballot the on the election party the or veto close, success assures so, 1 rote a it. record by them for as bills Presiden- to it vetoed num- Cleve- there met- don't until in- one the fol- the for of on Is in is of is same Syrup, to of in in made of 1 are is fit do they Both the for from stand of do Look 1 lamps not a they a Pearl-top 1 for tough break- made, label and too I Franklin Repositorn. AM RERANURO, OCT.



FRANCIS DUNLAP. of Lancaster. WOOD, of Philadelphia. JONES, of Allegheny. MENRY BAYNE, of Delaware.

DISTRICT ELECTORS, La 15. C. Doriand. John 16. A.

Stebbins. John Hunter, T. Robrbach. Schoch. Siner.

Wilhelm. I Clower. MeGregor. Grundy, JaR. R.

Laux. Robt. Pitcairn. Geist. T.

L. Lincoln. Knapp. 8. D.

Bell. Jas. Lindsay. J. Harvey.

M. H. Taylor. John H. Tense F.

Dale. Meir. O. Barclay. DISTRICT.

FOR CONGERS THAD. M. MAHON, of Chambers FOR STATE SENATE: W. U. RREWER, of Chambersburg.

COUNTY. FOR LEGISLATURE. of POLTZ, of Chambersburg. FOR SHERIFF. JONES, of Metal Township.

FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WALTER, of Waynesbore. FOR OF POOR. R. SHIELD of Ham 'iton Township.

FOR COUNTY SURYRTOR. Y. WINGERT, of Upper Strasburg. THE MEMORIAL COUPON. name to the Fire Memorial Nad for the amount of Cut Uh out and forward to REPoRtVARY Mce.

The money will not be mol for some time. EARLY VOTING IMPORTANT. There la one fact which should be fully Impressed upon the minds of every Republican voter Franklin county. It is the importance of attending the polls early election day, Heretofore the custom been many voters: to postpone attending the polls until evening. will be dangerous experiment attempt this year, under the new law 4 voter cannot obtain be reaches the polls.

will then have to place his marks and, as the experiment new, the three full minutes allowed a voter will be entirely consumed. This, will delay the voting. so that absolutily that every Republican rote be polled as early the day as possible to doso. It any voters are to be left in the evening at o'clock let them be Republican. This is of the most Important questions be considered and a great deal may rest poo it.

Let the Republican workers ch election district make arrange: mats at once get lout efforts early and the fruits will be seen before polls ENGLAND AND OUR ELECTIONS. Undoubtedly, falling the Presidential polling of Mr. land, who has pledged his to we tariff, the British manufactures and subsidiary industries depending dark Indeed. From Liverpool September CANDIDATE military Issues substantially for lows: He sent a substitute war the Union. He went fishing Deco- ration day, although been rited and expected memorial ceremonies.

He ber of pension FOR META every kind that by all his predecessors tial office, and sages with sneers and insults reterans. He War 8,000 blankets Ragland, because, would be a saving eight cents per blanket: all old soldiers beats warmly for his Tax Spirit, having disruption party in 1882, is again endeavoring rekindle the old fire which burned brightly and so disasterously Republicans effort, that year. The however, will avail nothing. The unfortunate affair of ten gears ago has long since been forgotten by the Republicans of Franklin county. The party was never re solidly united than is at the present time, a fact which Spirit It into there by but on.

the coal bat to tias in A in of 3rd. left can prices in be be of is to it it store since run on at in L. front quite and more of a the in or church the four in to this 20. of is to our you 1 to and the Democracy of this section will learn when the result of the election is made known on the morning of the 9th of November. VICE Presidential Candidate Reid has written his letter of acceptance.

It is an exceedingly able production and the purposes and policies of the two great parties are Impressively contrasted. The menace to national prosperity and progress contained I In the Democratic platform is clearly pointed out. THE HON. WAYNE MACYRAGN has explained at grea: length why he is Democrat. The substance of his confession is that he is a Democrat be cause be has ceased to be a Republican because the Republican party had the Insolence to regard itself as greater than WAYNE MACY Fragmentary: Tried every thing, DO stood, tried Salvation Oil cured neuralgia, worth its weight in goid.

Mr. William H. MeKamey, 612 N. 2nd Terre Haute, expresses himself more elegantly, as follows: had neuralgia in its worst form, and tried everything that was recommended. but without relief.

I purchased bottle of Salvation Oil, and after ap plying the second time, accomplished the desired eflect. It is worth Its weight in gold." THE MISSIONARY CONVENTION. The Annual Gathering of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the Lutheran Church, The Woman's. Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the West Penna. Synod of the Lutheran church convened on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the First Lutheran church.

The afternoon service was mainly one of preparation and was attended by large number of delegates and visitors from towns in the synod. The services on that evening began at 7 with an address by Dr. Burnett, of San Francisco, he was followed by Rev. A. S.

Hartman, General Secretary of the Board of Home Missions and by Rev: Dr. Scholl, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, both of whom made good addresses. The musie by the orchestra, choir and Miss Nead was all very and much enJoyed. Miss Wirt Lentz gave a recitation entitled "A Fireside Rey. Leisenring presided The Thursday morning meeting began at 9 with Mrs.

Fastoacht, of York, conducting devotional exercises. After business words of welcome were given by Mrs. S. D. Lentz, Miss Emma.

Garrer, and Miss Nellie Fisher. representing three societies of the church, and to them responses were made by Misses Elsenhart, Lilly, and Master May, The exercises this afternoon consist of reports and an address by MIAs Longsdorf and one also by at as Shindel. The question box and answers. Rev. Alleman presides to-night and an address is made by Mrs.

A. V. Hamma, of Baltimore, a recitation by Miss Nellie Nicklas and talk to young ladies by Miss Laura Wade Rice, of Baltimore. The Friday morning concluding services and exercises disposal of the of business the convention. New Advertise The following new advertisem*nts appear in to-day's lasce of the DAILY REPOSITORY: Ladies Fur Scarfa*genta Wanted.

Shoes -Hutton Rinehart. Bargains- -Sierer Co. Cow for sale- -H. E. Hoke.

Decker Bros. Minstrels. Preserve Cider -Miller's Pliarmacy, How -Nixon. Watch lost- Mrs. Kelter.

At Sollenbergers. The Felipee, EVEN Old Sol Is Joining in the Columbus festivities. 'The solar eclipse took place this afternoon. By aid of smoked glasses plenty our people saw the phenomenon. The eclipse began at 11:57 and ended at 2:58 p.

m. A 1xtle more than threefifths of the sun's diameter was ob- Nothing late years, has absorbed the medical world as the "germ theory' of disease. While these investigations have developed many new phases the disease of the human body, the result has been far from establishing anything certain In regard to them. Until these medical luminaries can agree, the safest plan hold on to Dr. Bull's Cough and cure cough and cold in the 6100 Reward The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that selence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that la Catarrh.

Hall's Catrarh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous subfaces of the system, thereby destroy. ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bullding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work.

The pro prietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for testimonials. Address, J. CHENEY Toledo, 0. by Druggists, 75c.

Submeribe for the REPOSITORY, res gottat be A meeting of the pastors of our churches was beld in the Y. M. C. A. parlor yesterday afternoon, to consider the matter of union evangelistic work in our town.

Eight ministers were prescot, and there was evidently great unanimity as to the proposed work. The time has not yet been ranged, por any further details than to call a second meeting. after the pas tors bare consulted the officials of their churches. The Rev. J.

Wilbour Chapman D. D. has been secured. Dr. Chapman has lately resigned his pastorate of Bethany church in Philadelphia, in order to rive himself wholly to the work of an erangelist.

His experience and success in this work hare been most uncommon. He has labored with B. Fay Mills, who testifles to his fine qualifications and great acceptability. Dr. Chapman is greatly pressed with invitations, but has been prevailed upon to come to Chambersburg some time this fall or winter.

The pastors are to meet again next Monday at 9 a. in the Y. M. C. parlor, when it is hoped all will be present to determine upon further arrangements.

To Organizations. A special meeting of the C. V. Hose Company will be held this evening at 7.30 p. m.

as business of Importance is to be transacted, all members are requested to come. By order of President. Gro. T. DORNNEROER, MATTHIAS BITNER.

Secty, Pro tem. President. Junior Hose Company No. 2 will meet to-morrow at 12.30 in hall in full uniform to parade. R.

E. HAZELET, J. H. SHAPER Captain. Chief Director.

All members of the Jr. O. U. A.M. are requested to be present at the meeting this evening as business of much importance to every member will be transacted.

W. J. KLIPP, Secly. At a meeting of Chambersburg Council No. 228 O.

U. A. M. we accepted the invitation to participate in parade on Columbus Day. It Is earnestly desired that all members attend and meet in Council Hall at 12:30 p.

m. sharp on that day. RICHTER, JNO. MATERS, C. R.

S. pro ten The members of Housum are requested to meet at the post rooms on Friday, Oct. 21st at 1 o'clock sharp in full uniform to take part in Columbus Day services. A full attendance is requested. By order B.

F. JOHNS, Attest A. C. McGATRE, P. Adit.

The following mass meetings have been arranged for by Chairman Haul man of the Republican County Committee: Greencastle. 18 Hoosum burg Dry Ran 88 Concord New Franklin. St. Thomas It has been proven by living wit nesses that Pan- a remarkable specific for the quick cure of difficult and dangerous throat and lung troubles -its equal can't found. Costa: 25 cents.

la sold at Cresaler Keefer's Drug Store. Association. The meeting of the Mechanics' Building and Loan Association has been postponed from Friday evening, Oct. 21st, to Saturday evening, 0 Oct. 22d.

All shareholders and directors will please take notice. "Not all is gold that glitters" true saying; It is equally true that not all is sarsaparilla that is so labelled. It you would be sure of the genuine article, ask. for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and take no other. Health Is precious to be trifled with.

Legal Holiday, As to-morrow is a legal holiday both banks will be closed. The postoffice will be open from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. and from 6 to p. in.

A morning delivery and collection will be made. Office doors will be open for box-holders all day. against hent; break they use; accident. They well exact: they they are made upright: the shade to a right draught are uniform. bear for your protection.

it. Be willing to pay nickel more and stop this constant expense and annoyance. Pa GEO A NOTE OF WARNING. There Is Certainly Danger Ahead For Us. We Do Not Mean To Cause Alarm in This Community.

But There is a Grave Matter Which Demands- Attention. It Is a sad and alarming fact that the circulates community 18 In which eh, our afflicted pa per terribly present with a most serious form of disease which fifty years 120 almost unknown. Are we In danger? The answer is decidedly yes, unless Immediate action is taken. If disease was small- dyptheria, typhus fever or other contaglous affection, how quickly and enercrush out Its progress. But because getically our people would rise and the disease is not contagious we have heretofore shut our eyes to its dangers, The form of affection about which which we write, that is rapidly coming so prevalent in our midst, and concerning which we desire to sound the note of alarm, is that class known as nervous diseases.

It is attacking all ages and all clases of people, those who follow professions 1.8 well as business men, clerks, mechanics and laborers. It manifests itself in various ways and forms, but the cause 18 always the same- -weakness of the nerves. Just why there should be such an enormous increase of nervous affections among our residents is difficult to understand, yet as all can see, such diseases are becoming fearfully common.Men and women complain of feeling weak, tired, nervous, with feeling of exhaustion, both nervous and physical. They do not sleep or eat well, wake more tired mornings than when they retire, their stomachs are out of order, bowels constipated, liver torpid, and the kidneys may be affected, giving pain and weakness in the back. while the water appears unnatural and often has a sediment.

But the principal symptoms are the nervousness, and weak. tired and prostrated feelings, A lady of our acquaintance, Miss Annie Oakes, who resides in Atbol Centre, has been a great sufferer from nervous affections, and thinking that her experience, and especially bow she succeeded in curing her troubles, may be of great service to those of our readers who may be similarly suffering, we give below her own words in regard to the case: suffered from nervous and physical prostration, was very nervous, weak and run down, I was sleepless, only sleeping three hours in twentyfour. I took Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy and before I had taken one bottle I began to 1m- prove. It was wonderful Everybody was surprised to see how I had gained in strength and flesh.

I now sleep seven hours every night and hare gained 10 pounds. So I say every day. God bless Dr. Greene's Nervara blood and nerve remedy. I also had the Grippe, but came up from that terrible disease on the Nervura all right." Now we know all about the case, that every word is troe, and assure our readers that this wonderful medicine is an absolute sure and positive cure for these nervous disenses.

We therefore advise its Immediate and if sufferers will heed our advice, our community will not be long in ridding itself all of nervous affections, before they those dread resulta insanity, paralysis pervoos prostration or death. This wonderful. remedy. is not a patent medicine, bat is the prescription and discovery of the great specialist in perrous and chronic diseases, Dr. Greene of 35 W.

14th Street, New York, who can be consulted free by all, personally or by letter. Don't fall to get. this remedy once from your druggist, is for purely vegetable and harmless, and costs 81. It will care you. Local Items Tutt's Pille invigorate body and The Carlisle Indians take part in the Chicago exercises.

Krause's Headache Capsules War ranted. For sale at Miller's Pharmacy An advertisem*nt a lost watch appears reward is for More pea been sold the recent advance mind. offered, and chestnut sizes. POINTE A good stiff was Republi- can headquarters and gotten is said Waynesboro will send large delegation our big Republican parade November FIll up the memorial coupon fire the second page and send it in to this office. Every citizen should feel an individual interest in this matter of suitable memorial of our fire.

smallest man the world The will be in town Monday next, with the Deckers Big Minstrel. He can be seen leading the big company In parade at noon. It you wish to secure a certain and speedy result, when using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, be careful in observing the rules of health, or the benefit may be retarded. A fair and persistent trial of this medicine never falls, when the directions are followed. Broke His One of Frank Disert's most valuable dray horses broke his leg in the stable last night.

The borse is a very good one and the accident is much be to regretted. Mr. Disert hoper be able to save the horse's lite. Couching Leads Balsam will sop the cough MEMORIAL R. 8.

E. Holler. 1.00 A. Olendenin. Letter Reed, Welsh Run 5.00 D.

5.00 5.00 G. W. Atherto 5.00 J. Rankin 1.00 W. F.

Holler Sharpe Britsch D. Grove. W. 8. George A Horace 0.

H. Shade. Minick Austin Dyson Co. B. O.

po. C. Hutton Black Geo. B. Hoke Flack F.

C. Karper Junior Hose No 1 Bert Total Found On the second page will be found coupon which can be used by any of our readers who may desire to hare an active interest in the Fire Memorial Write in the blanks there provided your subscription, any amount you may please from 1 cent to 100 dollars and cut out the coupon and send it to REPOSITORY. Due credit will be given you In our columns. Every little helps and if all give as they are able the fund will soon be up to the $1000 mark. Several coupons have already been filled and sent in.

We are waiting for yours. The committee has set the mark $1000. and for this money a most excellent and beautiful monument can be secured. Contributions can be banded to any of the following committeemen: 8. M.

Shillito, Dr. J. A. Bouse, H. B.

MoNulty, Geo. A. Minnich, George Denton, A. M. Stager, A.

N. Pomeroy, Dr. E. L. Schofeld, W.

C. Hall, or they can be sent as before to REPOStTORY. All contribation: will be 30 knowledged through our columns and no money will be collected until design is selected and the money is required. Let us erect such a memorial as we all can point to with pride as an ornament to our beantiful town. All aames marked in the following list are making additional contribusions, having been Included also in List No.

1. THE MEMORIAL FUND. Amount of List No. 1. George Denton T.

B. Sons. 5.00 Friendship Fire Co. 2.00 The best and easiest way get rid of of a cough cold that may develop Into consumption is to in rest 25 cents In bottle of the great remedy for, coughs, colds, la grippe, throat and lung disorders. Trial bottles free at Cressler Keefer's Drug Store.

SCAFFOLD Fall Oct. A scaffold upper part Presthe byterian gave place away about 4 o'clock yesterday after- it noon workmen upon distance the ground. All were less injured and Joshua Delaplaine was severely hurt having an arm and several ribs broken with fear of internal injury. Wm. Kensall was also seriously None of the injured are fatally burt it thought.

Real Katate The two valuable farms of Jacob Eberly, will be sold on the 22d of October frons of the court house at public sale. This is a good chance fine to bay a farin and all interested should attend the sale on Saturday p. m. WORTH A SPECIAL NOTICE Complying with general quest, BEECHAM'S PILLS will in future for the United States be covered with A Tasteless and Soluble Coating, completely disguising the taste of the Pill without in any way impairing its efficacy. York Depot Canal Street.

15 a Bax. the Court of Late of Letterkenny Township Fatate of John To the of John White, Strasbury Pa.r Hamilton Eakins. John Eakins. Rebecca A White Albert White, John White, William Missouri I. Gehr.

guardian, ad Thomas Watte, White. You are hereby notifed that the Orphans Court of said county of partition and valuation estate of the said John White, deceas of ten of which are situate In eight of the city and of phia. that be beid of the follow Of the and 2400 Boath the of at 10 a m. clock At which times and places you ed to attend see JOHN Sherif County, 5th. DEAF: Tuit Pills Siok Headache, Develop Flesh to Per SOLD EVERYWHERE.

Biggest Bargains IN Bed Room Suites EVER SEEN Solid Antique Ash Bed 6 et high, Bureau 41 inches long, 24x30 Bevel glass, wash stand 34 inches long EEP A splasher back. $22.00 2 cane 1 chairs, one rocker, table. towel rack- 8 pieces, $27.00. Strongly made. Well finished and only to be had in this section at Full H.

Sterer Co. 49, 51 55 Oucen Sc. LEW BENEDICT. Grand Shaksperian first part, Cham berlain. Wade Daly, Healer Cost-ello, Valentine Wickes, Pagan Billy Wilson, Valdair.

Manhattan Quartette. Don't fail to see the grand street Parade headed by the cnallest man the world, Reserved seats on sale at Killer's Pharmacy. COME best people say that money your friend. Not so, say we. A pair of our true fitting shoes are friends indeed to those suffering wit corns and bunions.

Why be troubled with that burning sensation of your feet when a pair of comfort Last will relieve you? All materials used in the construction of our shoes are put through a process to make this true shoe for tender feet. Try them and will have ne others. CHAMBERSBURG OPERA HOUSE Prices 25, 35 and 50. Brown Managers, Decker Bros. Big Minstrels.

rust night HOTDAY Oct. 140. 3.5 COMEDIANS, DANCERS TOCALIS IS, 35 Headed by that popular comedian tell Chambersburg Shoe Parlor, Little 61 South Main Street. F. D.

DITHERAR A actioneer BALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODE public No. 585 unday. October End the springs child's erik. a kitchen chairs 1 sitter TOO Queen marble top table, fruit reel, wheel etc. commence at o'clock you should Belle: WHY cause it and nutritions in only makes the best bread, but body who has Dakota Belle yields more bread than Sour.

People that having the table All Dakota Belle. if you have not tried Dakota Belle you should do so at once. Your will supply you. STONKE sept. Chan berabare, Pa scared.

owner. New Livery A. S. EBY CO. have opened a livery stable on old way.

pear Market, opposite the Mills, New and safe horses, new outsta and careful attention. Your patronace is solicited. little COUVENIR PHOTOGRAPHS OF CARNImake fall length cabinet photographs of person in carnival costume, on Thursday, or Saturday, at the rate of 8.00 J. W. BARBOUR are Outfi regularly free by Box and SALE bred FOR old.

the at NOTICE on Maine allowed unless why the will be same not be Britton John B. Jacob M. Account of John L. Orre lam a lunatic, RYE OFFICE 1 the.

Franklin Repository (Daily) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.