Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

Patfe Ten PUBLIC OPINION, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Saturday, April 3. 1920 I I 8, Gillan, President Judge of the 39th judicial district. composed of the county of Franklin, has issued his precept for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Chambersburg. for the County of Franklin, to begin the fourth Monday of April.

1920. being the 26th day of the month, to continue two weeks. You and each of you are then and there to appear in your! i proper persons, at 10 clock in the forenoon of said day. with your records, inquisitions, recognizances, examinations and other remembrances, to do those things which to your several offices appertain to be done. Given under my hand at Chambersburg this 2nd day of April.

A. 1820. JACOB H. MAYER. Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office. Chambersburg. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI- Lettrs of administration on the es- tate of George W. Wise, late St.

Thomas township. Franklin county. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons -indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those' having claims or demands will present the same without delay, for settlement. J. K.

sum AX. Administrator. R. R. Cliambrrfeburg.

Mlnelinrt Jk Jackjton. Attys. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICF. Notice is hereby given that letters administration in the estate of B. -Frey, late of Greene township.

ceased, have been granted to the tin-i derslgned: all perstms Indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment and those having claims or demands against the same will promptly make them known to the undersigned. DAVID B. FREY. H. FRET, Administrator, Cluimbersbttrg.

Ia R. R. 1. Ruthrauff Nk'klaa. Attys.

EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE- Estate of D. Price Lehman, late of Guilford township, deceased. Letters testamen-4 tary having been granted by the re; gl-ter of wills, the undersigned re- -quests all persons having claims -er demands against the estate the said decedent to make- knowtf tha sane, and a itteons to tbo said dece lent to ake payment to her without delay. MARY E. LEHMAN.

Cliambet-fcburg. Karal Route JO, Pa. Walter Gillan. Attys. Clia mbcrsburg.

I'a. AmiuM(iiiMinNiia3MftUMafflwminw MUSK I REAL COMMUNITY BUILDING I I 1 Consider the tumbleweed and the oak. For a season the tumbleweed grows green. It flourishes I in spring and summer. Then come the fall and the early gales 1 i of winter.

What of the tumbleweed? Hither and yon it flies I across the prairies, the sport of every vagrant breeze. No wind is too light to stir it, no obstruction too small to halt it. i But, does the oak go swirling around, a moving part of the I autumnal landscape? Not that any one has noticed. The oak stays put. It roots deep in the soil.

It is a member of a colony of oaks that have grown up together, that have weath- 1 ered the winds of winter together. I The tumbleweed serves a purpose if it calls attention to 1 the permanence of the oak, and if it drives home the fact t- that practice of rooting deep into the soil has its virtues. I In these times there seem to be a great many men of the I tumbleweed variety being swept hither and thither. There 1 are so many tumbleweeds scurrying about that the oaks may 1 I be overlooked. Start to count them though and there are plenty of oaks men who have struck their roots deep into i their home soil.

One of the present day problems is whether it is worth I while to attempt the task of increasing the number of oaks 1 I and decreasing the number of tumbleweeds. The first thing I to be noticed about the oak is that it is of slow growth. It does not spring up in a day. The next thing is that it es- I tablishes itself by taking root. I 1 Ccmm unity buiiding is oak growing.

Raising colonies of 'tumbleweeds will not do the trick. 1 I Eefore men begin to root deeply in a community they 1 have an abiding interest in it, That community must be more than a chance fence corner into which they have been whirled. Tco many communities are simply stopping places 1 for the people that live in them. In driving home the fact 1 that community building brought abcut by a real community i life is a constructive work, the present day Community Service rnoverrent has performed a distinct service. Com-r munity building means more oaks.

A lack of it means more i tumbleweeds. i A- )'' A ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of A. F. Lesher, lat of Guilford township, deceased.

Letters of administration having been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will please present the same, and those indebted make payment to EMMA LJESHER. Administratrix. Chninbersburg, Rural Route 10, Fa. Walter Gillan. Chambersburg-, Pa.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that letters of administration in the estate of Oliver late of Freestone, St. Thomas township, deceased, have been crantxt to thn lindersi? npft tn whom KR.VATOIC HIRAM JOHNSON LAUNCHES WHIRLWIND CAM-FA ION IN NEW YORK. I'hoto-(traph made at the Hotel Belmont, N. Y.

shows Senator Hiram John-eon discussing the presidential campaign situation with Al. C. Joy of California, his assistant national campaign manager. 1 fill- rrflrm tn srabl Attfaffl 4 4 TO WRITE PLAY FOR DAUGHTER will ai nce make payment and those having claims should present same without delay. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

-Letters of administration on the e- tate of C. M. Kuhns, late of Greene CLARENCE B. GUYER. Administrator.

township, deceased, have been grant- Franklin County, Pa. i en to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebtea estate 1 1 1 i WALKING SUIT OF SILK TRl-COLETTE. Stunning walking auit of silk trlcolette whose jacket Is fin EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Letters please make Immediate payment and testamentary on th estate of Hiram those haing claims or demands will ished with filet and fringe in same color.t the i A. Oyler, late of Guilford township, i presor.t them properly adjudicated deceased, have been granted to the i for settlement. I undersigned, to whom all persons in- J.

I. KlUN', debted to said estate will please make B. F. 0 Immediate payment and those having' Aanuniswaior. Oystet-s, 4o cents a quart, bass, demands will present them i Mlnehart Jackson.

Attys. cents a pound, herring SYx cents -a! for settlement, pound. Geyer's fish North George M. Cohan Will Present Miss Georgette In "Mary NEW YORK, April" 2 George M. Cohan is to join William A.

Brady, Arthur Hammerstein and such other thoatrical managers as have daughters playing under their management. will go further than they, however, for he will write the -play for his daughter. Of course, it will be one with music. The announcement that next season Mr. Cohan will present "Miss Georgette Cohan in "Mary" Is contained in a statement' issued yesterday by A.

I Erlanger revealing part of arrangements which he has mad for the booking of almost 100 theatrical companies for tours of the country. EX LA OYLEIL Exeotitrl. Socond street; next door to North End i R. 12. storep adv.

C'hamlersbuir. It. Ruthrauff 'lcklas, Attys. MICH BOOZE TAKEN FROM HAGERSTOWN NEGRO HAGERSTOWN, April 2. FJfty-flve quarts of whisky valued at was seized by Constable 'Frederick Rohrer at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, when he held up an auto driven by a negro on a road one mile south of Hagerstown.

The wh-'sky was hidden under, boxes containing empty bottles, excelsior and 'blankets. The automobile, which the 'author- and become a free citizen. He is ready to quit being Republican or Democratic 'and become national, and even international, which risht-ly understood, only means human. And pretty soon, if Washington Republicans and Democrats don't watch out, he will really be doing it. The "leaders" are so intent on going "on through the traditional motions of leading that; they do not seem to observe that the line of the led shows sisns of not keeping in file; that many ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Xotlce is hereby given that letters of LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters, testamentary on the estate of Anna Mary Coble, late of Chambersburg.

deceased, have beon granted to the i undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims or demands will present them properly ad jud Sated for settlement. CLYDE S. COBLE, GEORGE I. COBLE, GRACE S. GROVE.

Executors. Mineluirf Jackson. Attys. administration in tne estate of John riougn, lave oi wnamoersourg, ceased, have been granted to the un PROCLAMATION To the justices of the peace and constables of the county of Franklin: Whereas, the Honorable W. Rush dersigned to whom all persons indebted to said estate will at once make payment, and thos having claims should present same without delay.

ROSE U. PLOUGH. Administratrix. ittes think may have been stolen, the Init are looking around at the circle whisky and the driver were brought Into Hagerstown pending further ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary M. Etter.

late of Mlnehart Jackson, Attys. of the horizon, instead oi straignt. in front, and some are even stopping by the way in little groups to talk things over. "When the leaders do observe governor speaks of forest fires HARRI.SHL'RO, April 2 Governm Sprout made a pernonal appeal Wednesday to 2600 representatives of corporations and organizations to aid in the restoration of Pennsylvania's fiyestM by the prevention of forest tires. The governor's appeal ia a part of the flro prevention campaign which Chief Forester Gilford Pinehot has started to cheek the annual damage done to mate forests by spring fires.

In personal letters the governor urges officials of telephone and tele-grtipli the railroads, pipe line companies and water companies mid the bishops. State Orange masters, Snout masters and organizations to help In the Are prevention campaign. A statement of the damage done annually in Pennsylvania by forest llres sent to the governor by Chief Forester Pinehot, i Inclosed in the letter. vim prion: mahvs divorce in nevada 'llKN'O, April 2. An investigation Into the entire record of the Mary Pick ford divorce case Iby Robert HP'hurds, deputy attorney general of Nevada, Is now under way.

The action was begun following a meeting of the Washoe County Association, when resolutions were passed calling upon the attorney general to Investigate) the divorce proceeding at Minden, on March 2, whrn, after a brief hearing. Mary Plrkford was granted a divorce from Moore on the grounds of desertion. According to reports here, the resolution was later stricken from tht records and a motion to appoint a committee to investigate all "short-term" divorces in the state was substituted. winrs spirit costs him JILTED FIANCEE NEW YORK, April 2. The advice given Samuel Regal, vice president of the American Fashion Cora-imnv.

by the spirit of his third wife 8 i administration having been granted Jff Automobiles and Buggies A V. Xj. EXECUTRIX'S ters testamentary these things they will be distressed the estate on TO FORM HOOVER CLUB READING. April 2. Charles T.

Davies, a Republican, yesterday announced that he will form a Hoover Club here. was county food administrator in the war and is head of a textile manufacturing company. "A business man for the White is Davies" slogan. "'signed requests all persons having. repainted and tops re- Hlr' Reside late of chambers- LEADERS CEASE TO IEAi (Vernon Kellogg, in the Yale Review) The man in the street in beginning to say.

that it party comes before nation he is ready 'to give up party. and Indignant and will emit some ancient war cries and preciously old and familiar rallying And then we shall see whatever we do see. Covered. Home-maae DUg- undersigned, to whom all persons InlAhtBrl tn nnlrT stf will nlpase gies for sale. make immediate payment and those I a j.lA(na AnkonHa will mA- claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent to naic known the same, and all persons Indebted to the said decedent make payment, to him without oviay.

WILLI VI C. SNYDER. Administrator. Grencartle, Rural' Rout S. Pa.

Walter and Gillan. Oia bcrsbu nr. Pa- Kelly-Springfield Tires $15 a Set sent the same without delay. CASSIE SURIVER RESIDE. Tunnrn ni nniirr rf ii Executrix.

ihkum lakkiaiiE, lu. 8 cehr, Atty. Shippensburg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. fc--'f'v'v ls hereby given that letters of the estate of H.

S. AiCL.iea.ry, ime ui uuniora luwnsmii. I New Victor Records April 1 deceased, have been granted to the undersigned to whom all persons Indebted to said estate 111 at once EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the etate of Ava R. Hoggs, late of Oreene township, deceased, have been granted Ioj the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to aald estate will please, make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands will present the same without delay. 3LVTTIE S.

MOWERS, Executrix. Iwac Wlmcert. Atty. (make payment and tnose having: claims should present same without delay. H.

C. ST AMY. Administrator. iiKii Double Tread Tires These Prices Save You One-half the Price of Single Tires Our DOUBLE-TREAD tires are of the following Standard Makes which we carry in stock at. all times In almost every size: Goodrich, Diamond, Firestone.

Goodyear, United States, Republic, Congress. Braender, Imperial, Ajax, etc USERS NET PRICES Just as the "first nighters" experience keen delight in attending opening performances, so music-lovers' everywhere eagerly enjoy the new Victor offerings on opening day. Hear these new Victor records today at any Victor dealers will cost him 123.000. That is the amount of the verdict by a supreme court jury to Mrs. Cecelia Rosenthal REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the following executors.

guardians' and trustees' accounts, which have teen duly pasotd, and remain on file in the register's office of Fnnklln county, said accounts will be presented to the court tor an Saturday. May 1, 1920. at 10:00 a. m. Estate of Accountant.

Account. 28 Cashman, Wylie P. E. Yost, administrator First Final 29 Snoke. George Joshua liurkholder.

executor Fust At Final 30 Layman. Harry K. Maud B. J. Layman, administra trix First Final 31 Baker, Adam Elmer Frit and Benjamin F.

Fritz, administrators First Final 32 Shatzer, Lavina David H. Shatzer, Flnst Flr.a! 33 Hanco*ck. David G. A. Kyner.

administrator. First tc Final 34 Mahon, Thaddeus M. K. Sharpe and V. O.

Non. Plain.l Skid. Tube SIZES 4.00;$ 4.00 2.26 5.00 5.00 6.00 2.35 2.75 2.90 7.00 7.50 7.50 In her suit againsf Regal for breach of promise, fcma sued for $50,000. Mrs. Rosenthal said that after several postponements of the wedding "Regal told her that he could not make her his fourth wife because the spirit of his third wife through a ouija board had him not to remarry.

Regal denied that he- had given Mrs. Rosenthal this explanation. Public sale of household goods, 131 South Main street, Monday, April 6, at 2 p. m. adv.

EDWARD) MURRAY. wall paper and Nick las. administrator, d. o. n.

c. a 35 Shockey. C. J. E.

Shockey. administrator 36 Miller. Lvdia Anna M. Isenberger. 7.00! 7.501 S.OOj 8.50 8.50 9.00 10.001 10.001 10.001 11.00 11.00 First Final First 4c Final First.

Number Size Price 64859 10 $1.00 88815 12 1.50 87563 10 1.50 74611 12 1.50 64856 10 1.00 64857 10 1.00 64860 10 1.00 87307 10 1.00 74610 12 1.50 64858 10 1.00 "li You Could Care" Frances Alda "Campane a sera" Enirco Caruso "Zara" II Bacio. Farar and Giuseppe De Luca "Quartet in F. Major" Lento Flonzaley Quartet Jascha Heifetz "Gypsy Serenade" Fritz Kreisler "Your Eyes Have Told Me John McCormack "In the Sweet Bye and Schumann-Heink Fugitive. Werrenrath "Los Ojos Negros" Renato Zanellt 28x3 30x3 30x3 Vi 32x3 31x4 34x3 32x4 33x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 32x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 Vi 37x4 35x5 36x5 37x5 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 37 Lininger, John Arthur W. Gillan.

executor Third. 38 Robertson, John W. C. Robertson, administra tor First Final 3.25 3.00 3.30 3.75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 11.001 39 PeliTer. Catherine 40 Clugston.

Martha A. 41 Karper, Clara D. 42 Hege, Samuel 43 Slelghter, Amanda W. S. Savage, administrator.

First Final E. Ruth Kauffman. executrix Firat Sc. Final .11. V.

Karper, administrator. t. a First Final Sarah K. Ilege. J.

G. BrechblU. J. M. Myers, executors First St Final Edgar D.

Slelghter. administrator First Final 11.00 12.00! 11.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 11.00) 12.00 PAPERIIANGING. SHAFFER, adv. 139 SO. MAIN STREET Brlcker.

Fannie John A. Brlcker. executor First Final "Sweet and Baker 44- 45174 10 1.00 "A Southern Bake 45 Oiler, Mary C. W. 46 Kuhn, George W.

Rev. Fr. Edward O'Flynn. N. B.

Martin, executors First Final Kuhn. Samuel Kuhn. Mary A. Kuhn. executors Final.

45176 10 1.C0 -AT- ill Prices On Other Sizes On Request. In ordering," kindly give first and second choice of makes, or leave It to us to send the very best we have in stock. Terms: C.O.D. Shipments filled if 25 per cent of full a-mount accompanies order. Cash with order saves you return' C.O.D.

charges. These terms necessary owing to volume of business, Email profit margins, etc. "United" Double Tread Tire Co. 205 W. 48 New York, N.

Y. 45175 10 1.00 47 Brlcker, John Milton S. Bricker. Albert Brlcker. Charles A.

Snyder. Edward Trumpour, executors First Final 48 Ott. C. John Ott, admini-strator First Final 49 Burkhart. Annie May.

Oliver Burkhart, Susan Burkhart, executors First Final Keller. Elizabeth Rev. Jay W. Yohe, executor First Final Rl Kuhns, Jacob J. W.

Creamer, surviving administrator, d. b. n. e. t.

a. First 52 Freise, C. A. Dessie E. -Frelse.

administratrix First Fina Office of Register of Wills. I). EDGAR FAUBEL. April 1, 1920. Register of Wllls.

"Irene" Edith Day I "Alice Blue Gown" Edith Day "Christ in Murphy "There Is No Death" Lambert Murphy "In Your Arms" Medley Fox Trot Selvin's Novelty Orchestra "That Naughty C. Smith's Orchestra "Venetian Moon" Fox Trot. All Star Trio VSwanee! One Step AH Star Trio "I'll See You In Billy Murray 18650 10 .85 Palmers Grocery 18651 10 .85 Best flour 18652 10 .85 Billy Murray "That's Worth While Waiting For' "Buddha" "Let Me .85 Peerless Quartet lg6S310 Sterling Trio .85 "Bo-La-Bo" Fox Trot. "Harem Life" Fox Trot. Biese and His Novelty Orchestra I jgggj Biese and His Novelty Orchestra APRIL SPECIAL DANCE RECORD Eagle brand milk Can of tomatoes, 10c, 12c, 15c Cocoa, per pound Country lard Fine creamy cheese Cranberries, per qt.

8c Lima beans, per lb. 12c Soup beans, per lb 9c N. C. Eagle butter crackers 17c Pear butter, 2 can 25c Norway mackerel Big: Jot of hams for Eaater, whole or on slice. Medley Fox Trot, "Left All Alone Agani Blues" .85 "Whose Baby Are You Joseph C.

Smith's Orchestra igggj Medley One Step, Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra Any Victor dealer will gladly give you an illustrated booklet describing these new Victor records and nlav anv music vou wish to hear. New Victor If you move see that your policy is transferred to your new location Make an inventory and see if you are fjully protected against fire INSURANCE FROM Victrolas in records demonstrated at all dealers on the first of each month, great variety from $25 to $1500. 15c Campbell baked beans. 10c' Best nut oleo Majestic brand oleo I Bitr black prunes 19c riTBsi nrxrmon 5 barrels pic-nic hams at unusually low prices.

HAR EY GANOE Come I Buy Save 25, LINCOLN WAY WEST PALMER'S! sac Jj i- i Li w. jjj.

Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.